Become a Vendor

Since 2008, the Dedham Farmers Market has been serving Dedham and surrounding communities. The indoor Winter and outdoor Spring and Summer Farmers Markets are all located at 670 High Street (the location of the Summer Farmers Market). The location is a beautiful grassy green, surrounded by historic buildings. In the Winter and rainy Spring weather, the Market will be indoor. In good weather, the Spring Markets will be outdoor. Please find applicable dates, applications, rules and regulations, and payment for each below. Note: Registration is only through our website. Please do not respond to FaceBook business chats or requests for payments through Venmo as they are scams.

Email our Market Manager with any questions at

Winter/Spring 2024-2025

Saturdays, 10am-1pm

Once a Month

Nov 16, Dec 14, Jan 25, Feb 22 & Mar 22

then EVERY Saturday, April 5-June 7, 2025

Indoor/outdoor at 670 High St. (new location!)

  • We are now using Marketspread for Farmers Market and event applications. Once approved, complete the remainder of the registration and select the markets you want.

    Apply HERE

  • Vendors who plan to sell processed foods must provide the following to complete the application.

    • Copy of your health permit from your local health department

    • Copy of your organic certification (if applicable)

    • Certificate of insurance naming Dedham Farmers Market as additionally insured

    After your vendor application is approved by the Market Manager, you will need to apply for a health permit from the Town of Dedham Health Department at least 4 weeks prior to the first market date. You must also be a vendor at the April 5, 2025 (another TBD) to be inspected.* Complete and return the Health Department permit form with $50 fee to the Dedham Health Department. Forms missing information will delay your permit.

    *NOTE: Health Department inspections at the market will take place two times in Winter (Nov 16 & Dec 14) and Spring (April 5 and 1 other date TBD).

    Health Permit Memo

    Health Permit Form


    Leontia Flanagan and M Stephanie Lopez-Silva, Town of Dedham, 450 Washington Street, Dedham, MA 02026, 781-751-9220

  • Download the Full Rules here.

    2024-2025 Dedham Winter and Spring Farmers Market Rules & Regulations 

    General Information 

    • All vendors will grow, produce or make their own items in Massachusetts or other parts of New England. Cheese, honey and maple syrup must be made from the producer’s homegrown resources. Bakers must produce their own baked goods and should use best efforts to source ingredients locally. On a case by case basis and at its total discretion, the Dedham Square Circle (DSC) may allow vendors to offer items for sale on behalf of other local producers who would otherwise comply with this section (“supply producers”). Labeling of product and signage must clearly indicate the supply producer.

    • The Dedham Square Circle will oversee the market and will determine if vendors can be part of the Farmers Market to ensure an appropriate mix of products in the space available.

    • The Farmers Market is run by the Dedham Square Circle. The market is NOT affiliated with the Town of Dedham or First Church & Parish. The individual designated Market Manager by the DSC is responsible for all activities at the market; all vendors will comply with their requests. Vendors who do not comply with market rules and Market Manager requests will be subject to dismissal from the market at the sole discretion of the Dedham Square Circle.

    • Dedham Farmers Market/Dedham Square Circle reserve the right to dismiss vendors from the market for any reason.

    Applications, Vendor Fees, Permits and Insurance 

    • All vendors, both new and returning, will submit an application to the Farmers Market and include all items to be sold at the market. Only approved items can be sold at the market.

    • Vendors are accepted first come first serve. The market limits the number of vendors of similar types of products. 

    • Each vendor must affirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the Dedham Farmers Market.

    • Health and sanitation are priorities at the Dedham Farmers Market. Vendors bringing items to market from a supply producer will ensure that all relevant permits are obtained relating to those items. All vendors will adhere to all federal and state health regulations, subject to oversight by Kylee, Sullivan, Dedham Health Director.

    • Once your application to be a vendor at the market has been approved, you must submit the following: If you plan to sell processed foods (such as jams, baked goods, or ready to eat food), you must secure a health permit (an additional fee) from the Town of Dedham 3 weeks prior to attending the market. Contact info for Board of Health: Dedham Board of Health, Kylee Sullivan, at or 781-751-9220.

    • (for processed food vendors) email a copy of their Residential, Commercial or Wholesale Kitchen Permit to the Market Manager.

    • If you are certified organic, please include a copy of your certification* 

    • A minimum deposit of 3 weeks of vendor fees (or payment in full if attending less than 3 weeks) deposit is required for all vendors and must be paid within 2 weeks of your application being approved. The deposit will be applied to your last two market vendor fees. If you fail to pay your deposit, you will not be allowed at the Farmers Market. For vendors paying in full or paying in installments, your partial or full payment for the market is due one month before the market start date. Checks should be made payable to “Dedham Square Circle” and mailed to PO Box 593, Dedham, MA 02027

    • Proof of general liability insurance* is required for all vendors selling items for human or pet consumption, anything applied to any part of the body of a human or pet and flammable items. This is not a complete list. Proof of general liability insurance may be required for vendors of other products.

    • Insurance Waiver*(for artists and makers only) Artists and Makers may attend the market as long as they sign a waiver. This exception applies only to vendors who will not sell, give away or sample: candy or food items, anything edible for pets, items to be put on pets or the human body including but not limited to lotion, oils, hair care, perfume, candles, soap, cosmetics and lip balm. Waivers can be completed when you apply and are also located on the Farmers Market page of the Dedham Square Circle website and when you apply online.

      *If you have trouble uploading COI's, you may scan and email them to:

    • Vendor fees are used to pay for market licensing and insurance, market management, advertising and promotions, and special events at the market. Vendors must pay vendor fees one week prior to attending the market.

    • All vendors will allow the market to use their business names, logos, and other public information in print and electronic advertising and other promotions for the benefit of the market.

    At The Market 

    • The market will be held rain or shine on Saturdays from 10am-1pm indoors in Winter and outdoors when possible in Spring at 670 High St, Dedham.

    • All vendors are expected to attend every week for which they have registered. Vendors who cancel less than 3 days prior to their market date will forfeit their vendor fees. 

    • It is extremely important that you contact the Market Manager if you are unable to attend in a particular week. Vendors who do not attend on days for which they have registered, without approval by the Market Manager, may be subject to full vendor fees and excluded from future market days, at the sole discretion of Farmers Market staff.

    • Vendors may not cancel because inclement weather. Only in the event of severe weather conditions will we cancel the market. Should this happen, the Market Manager will contact vendors the morning of the market to notify them.

    • Market setup locations will be assigned by the Market Manager. Displays must be kept within space allotted and maintained to ensure public access. 

    • Vendors provide their own tables, chairs, tents (when outside) and must have tent weights. Tent stakes are not allowed. Colorful signage, tablecloths and pleasing displays are encouraged. 

    • Vendors are responsible to clean their areas and remove all trash at the end of the market day. Please sort trash from recyclables in the appropriate containers provided.

    • All vendors will arrive within the hour (please, no earlier) before the market opens to set up their space in an inviting way. Our liability policy only covers specific hours for setup, operation, and breakdown. 

    • All vendors will wait until 10am sharp before any sales are made. This allows healthy competition on a level playing field between market vendors as well as customers. You should plan to bring sufficient product to remain open for business until the close of the market at 1pm. 

    • All items offered for sale shall be clearly labeled and priced. Prices may not change after the market has opened for the day. This includes end-of-day “deals” to dump product.

    • All items must be of the highest quality or must be clearly marked as “seconds.”

    • Produce may be measured and sold by the pound, bunch, piece, or measured container and must be marked with appropriate signage.

    • All scales should have a current seal from the Department of Weights and Measures.

    • All prepared foods must be under cover, may not be handled with bare hands, and must have an ingredient label, an address of origin, and a net weight, according to MA regulations. Perishable items, including but not limited to meat, eggs, and dairy products, must be maintained in an appropriately chilled container, subject to approval and inspection by the health inspector. Approved food handling guidelines for the market are available to vendors from the Dedham Board of Health. Should further questions arise, you may contact Dedham Health Director Kylee Sullivan at or 781-751-9220. 

    • To ensure sanitary conditions, a hand washing station will be located at the market.

    • Vendors must keep their hands clean at all times, including washing them after using the restroom and smoking.

    • All vendors will agree to an on-site visit by the Market Manager or other market representative, if requested. This visit is meant to help anticipate your inventory, observe crops, and to help with promoting each vendor and the market as a whole. 

    • To protect the meaning of the word “organic” you may only label your produce organic if you are certified organic. You are encouraged to discuss your organic practices with your customers, so they know how your food is raised.

    • Public restrooms are available inside 670 High Street building.

    • No smoking anywhere at or near the market.

    • The market accepts SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps). All vendors will agree to sell eligible food and plant items under this program, including acceptance of “Dedham Dollars” and “SNAP Match” dollars on market day with reimbursement checks from Dedham Square Circle to follow monthly. Detailed guidelines and procedures for SNAP can be found on the Farmers Market page on the DSC website.

    • No plastic single use plastic bags. The Town of Dedham has a plastic bag ban. Farmers can use plastic “produce” bags.

    • ·      Vendors are strictly prohibited from displaying any campaign (protest related, political, etc.) material, including but not limited to clothing and signage, at the market. Any vendor in violation of this policy will be asked to immediately leave the market, forfeit any future vendor fees, and will be banned from any and all future Farmers Markets and Dedham Square Circle events. 

    Should you need additional information or have questions, please contact us: Farmers Market at or Dedham Square Circle at

  • Weekly vendor fees range from $32.50 for vendors selling goods and $100 for large businesses giving away promotional materials.

    Vendor fees must be paid at least 2 months prior to your market date to reserve your booth at the market.

    Payment can be made when applying or by check. Checks should be made payable to “Dedham Square Circle” and mailed to Dedham Square Circle, PO Box 593, Dedham, MA 02027.

  • Artists and Makers are no longer required to have liability insurance as long as they sign a waiver when applying. The Liability Insurance waiver applies only to vendors who will not sell, give away or sample: candy or food items, anything edible for pets, items to be put on pets or the human body including but not limited to lotion, oils, hair care, perfume, soap, cosmetics and lip balm.

    View Waiver Here

Summer 2025

Wednesdays, 2-6pm

June 11-October 29, 2025

670 High Street , (corner of High & Court Streets)

  • Here is the 2025 Summer Farmers Market Application. We are now using Marketspread for our markets and event applications.

    Food Vendors must apply with the Dedham Health Department at least 4 weeks prior to the first market date.

  • Vendors who plan to sell processed foods must provide the following to complete the application.

    • Copy of your health permit from your local health department

    • Copy of your organic certification (if applicable)

    • Certificate of insurance naming Dedham Farmers Market as additionally insured

    After your vendor application is approved by the Market Manager, you will need to apply for a health permit from the Town of Dedham Health Department at least 4 weeks prior to the first market date. You must also be a vendor at the April 5, 2025 (another TBD) to be inspected.* Complete and return the Health Department permit form with $50 fee to the Dedham Health Department. Forms missing information will delay your permit.

    *NOTE: Health Department inspections at the market will take place two times in the Spring (April 5 and 1 other date TBD).

    Health Permit Memo

    Health Permit Form


    Leontia Flanagan and M Stephanie Lopez-Silva, Town of Dedham, 450 Washington Street, Dedham, MA 02026, 781-751-9220

  • Weekly vendor fees range from $32.50 for vendors selling goods and $100 for large businesses giving away promotional materials.

    Vendor fees must be paid at least 2 months prior to your market date to reserve your booth at the market.

    Payment can be made when applying or by check. Checks should be made payable to “Dedham Square Circle” and mailed to Dedham Square Circle, PO Box 593, Dedham, MA 02027.

  • Artists and Makers are no longer required to have liability insurance as long as they sign our waiver. This exception applies only to vendors who will not sell, give away or sample: candy or food items, anything edible for pets, items to be put on pets or the human body including but not limited to lotion, oils, hair care, perfume, soap, cosmetics and lip balm.

    Link to Waiver
