Become a Vendor at Dedham Square Circle’s Summer Stroll
Be part of the excitement at the Summer Stroll event on Thursday, July 17 from 6-9pm (rain date July 24) in Dedham Square.
As the sun starts to set, the Square will shut down vehicular traffic and High Street will open to strolling, live bands, art, food, outdoor dining, activities, shopping Square businesses and street vendors. Stroll, eat, drink, sit and listen to music under the stars in beautiful Dedham Square. An estimated 3,000 people attended the 2024 Summer Stroll. This event is free for visitors to attend.
Vendor Information
Vendors must complete a short application. Accepted vendors will be sent a registration form to complete.
Space is limited, vendor fees must be paid in full by July 1, 2025 to reserve a booth space. If vendors fees are not paid by July 1, your booth space will be given to waitlist vendors.
Vendors who plan to sell processed foods must apply for a 1 day permit with the Dedham Board of Health AFTER your vendor application is approved. Complete and return the permit form with $50 fee to the Dedham Health Department.
include a copy of your health permit from your local health department with your Board of Health application.
Permit Memo-Coming soon
Health Permit Form-Coming soon
Board of Health Contact:
Kylee Sullivan, Health Director, Town of Dedham, 450 Washington Street, Dedham, MA 02026, 781-751-9220, KSullivan@dedham-ma.gov
Vendors must have completed applications to the Health Department by June 15, 2025.
ALSO, Food vendors must provide a valid Certificate of insurance naming Dedham Square Circle, PO Box 593, Dedham MA 02026 as additionally insured.
2024 Summer Stroll Rules & Information
General Information
• The Dedham Square Circle will determine if vendors can be part of the Summer Stroll to ensure an appropriate mix of products in the space available.
• The Summer Stroll is run by the Dedham Square Circle. The Summer Stroll is NOT affiliated with the Town of Dedham.
Applications, Vendor Fees, Permits and Insurance
• All vendors must submit an application for the Summer Stroll and include all items to be sold at the Summer Stroll. Only approved items can be sold at the Summer Stroll.
• Vendors are accepted first come first serve. The Summer Stroll limits the number of vendors of similar types of products.
• Each vendor must sign a statement that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of the Summer Stroll.
• Health and sanitation are priorities at the Summer Stroll. Vendors bringing items to Summer Stroll from a supply producer will ensure that all relevant permits are obtained relating to those items. All vendors will adhere to all federal and state health regulations, subject to oversight by Kylee, Sullivan, Dedham Health Director.
• Once your application to be a vendor at the Summer Stroll has been approved, you must submit the following:
o If you plan to sell processed foods (such as jams, baked goods, or ready to eat food), you must secure a one day health permit ($50) from the Town of Dedham at least 3 weeks prior to attending the Summer Stroll. Contact info for Board of Health: Dedham Board of Health, Kylee Sullivan, at ksullivan@dedham-ma.gov or 781-751-9220.
o (for processed food vendors) email a copy of their Residential, Commercial or Wholesale Kitchen Permit to the Summer Stroll Manager
o Pay vendor fees within one week of acceptance to secure your spot. Checks should be made payable to “Dedham Square Circle”.
o Proof of general liability insurance* is required for all vendors selling items for human or pet consumption, anything applied to any part of the body of a human or pet and flammable items. This is not a complete list. Proof of general liability insurance may be required for vendors of other products.
o Insurance Waiver* (for artists and makers only) Artists and Makers may attend the Summer Stroll as long as they sign a waiver. This exception applies only to vendors who will not sell, give away or sample: candy or food items, anything edible for pets, items to be put on pets or the human body including but not limited to lotion, oils, hair care, perfume, soap, cosmetics and lip balm. Waivers are located on the Summer Stroll page of the Dedham Square Circle website.
*You may scan and email these items to dedhamsquarecircle@gmail.com.
• All vendors will allow the Summer Stroll to use their business names, logos, and other public information in print and electronic advertising and other promotions for the benefit of the Summer Stroll.
At The Summer Stroll
• Summer Stroll vendor locations will be assigned. Displays must be kept within space allotted and maintained to ensure public access.
• Vendors provide their own tables, chairs, tents and must have tent weights. Tent stakes are not allowed. Colorful signage, tablecloths and pleasing displays are encouraged.
• Vendors are responsible to clean their areas and remove all trash at the end of the event.
• All vendors will arrive at 5pm for set up and be cleaned up by 10pm. Our liability policy only covers specific hours for setup, operation, and breakdown.
• All prepared foods must be under cover, may not be handled with bare hands, and must have an ingredient label, an address of origin, and a net weight, according to MA regulations. Perishable items, including but not limited to meat, eggs, and dairy products, must be maintained in an appropriately chilled container, subject to approval and inspection by the health inspector. Approved food handling guidelines for the Summer Stroll are available to vendors from the Dedham Board of Health. Should further questions arise, you may contact Dedham Health Director Kylee Sullivan at
ksullivan@dedham-ma.gov or 781-751-9220.
• Vendors must keep their hands clean at all times, including washing them after using the restroom and smoking.
• No plastic single use plastic bags. The Town of Dedham has a plastic bag ban. Farmers can use plastic “produce” bags.
Should you need additional information or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: at dedhamsquarecircle@gmail.com
Artists (painters and photographers) are not required to have liability insurance as long as they sign our waiver. This exception applies only to vendors who will not sell, give away or sample: candy or food items, anything edible for pets, items to be put on pets or the human body including but not limited to lotion, oils, hair care, perfume, soap, cosmetics and lip balm.
Download, print, sign and return the below waiver.